Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/752

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730 APPENDIX H issued to him — namely, on 15 Mar. (1453/4) 32 Hen. VI — being entered as " Wyllughby " and bracketed with " Faucon- bergh " and " Stourton " as Milites. {Rot. Pari, vol. v, p. 249 b). His father sum. from 25 P'eb. (143 1/2) 10 Hen. VI to 9 Oct. (1459) 38 Hen. VI as Ltoni de IFellis Chivaler. 1455. John Bourchier, who married Margery (widow of John Ferreby), da. and h. of Sir Richard Berners, was sum. from 26 May (1455) 33 Hen. VI to 19 Aug. (1472) 12 Edw. IV, by writs directed Johanni Bourghchier de Berners Chivaler^ Johanni Domino Berners Chivaler (2 Edw. IV), and Johanni Berners Chivaler (9 and 10 Edw. IV), the last summons in 12 Edw. IV reverting to the first style given above. On every occasion some other member of the Bourchier family was summoned, i.e. William Bourchier (de FitzWaryn) up to 9 Edw. IV, Humphrey Bourchier (de Cromwell) 9 and 10 Edw. IV, and Fulke Bourchier (de FitzWaryn) 12 Edw. IV. Henry Bourchier, Vis- count Bourchier, had also been sum. up to i Edw. IV. 1458. Richard Fiennes, who married Joan, granddaughter and h. of Thomas Dacre {d. Jan. 1457/8), was in Nov. 1458 by the King "accepted, declared, and reputed Lord Dacre," the patent asserting (falsely) that Thomas Dacre had inherited the state and dignity of Baron Dacre to him and his heirs. 146 1. There were summoned together to Parliament on 26 July (1461) I Edw. IV seven persons, to whom writs were directed as follows : WilUelmo Herberd de Herberd militi, Humfrido Bourghchier de Cromwell chivaler, Humfrido Stafford de Suthwyck militi, Waltero Devereux de Ferrers militi, Johanni Wenlok de fVenlok militi, Roberto Ogle de Ogle militi, Thome de Lumley militi.{^) On 3 Feb. 146 1/2 the above William Herbert received a grant of lands, in which he is called " William Herbert, King's Knight," and it is stated that he had been lately raised to the estate of a baron. C") On 20 Feb. 146 1/2 the above Walter Devereux received a grant of lands in which he is referred to as " Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers," and it is stated that the King had lately raised him to the estate of a baron. (") (*) Dugdale's Summonses, p. 459. (•>) Patent Roll, I Edw. IV, part 4, membrane 16. Printed in Lords' Reports, vol. V, p. 343. (') Idem, part 5, membrane i. Idem, p. 345. He had married Anne, only da. of William Ferrers {d. 1450).