Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/80

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64 DARCY Talbot]. He d. 9 Dec. 141 1.(*) Will dat. at his manor of Temple Hurst, 2 Aug. 141 1, pr. at Cawood, 18 Feb. 141 1/2. C") His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, [E.] 11 Nov. and [1.] 14 Nov. I4i2.('=) She w., as 2nd wife, before 12 July 142 1,("') Sir Thomas Swinford, of Kettlethorpe, co. Lincohi. He, who was b. 24 Feb. t,']2I't, [w], at Lincoln, and bap. there the next day,() d. 2 Apr. 1432.0 She d. (^) "Johannes Darcy chivaler." Writs of diem cl. ext. 12 Dec. 13 Hen. IV. Inq., COS. Northumberland, York, Notts, Lincoln, 2, 20 June, Saturday before St. Mary Magdalene [16 July], and I Aug. 1412. " Et dicunt quod predictus Johannes Darcy obiit nono die Decembris ultimo preterito et quod Philippus Darcy filius ejus est heres ejus propinquior et etatis quatuordecim annorum et amplius." Similar writs, 22 Jan., 28 Feb. 13 Hen. IV. Inq., Middlesex, Calais, V/ednesday before the Translation of St. Swithun [13 July] and 23 July 14 1 2. "... obiit die Mercurii proximo post festum Concepcionis beate Marie virginis ultimo preterit*." Heir, as before, aged 13 and more. (Ch. Inq. p. ot., Hen. IV, file 87, no. 36: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 97, no. 13, and Enrolments, no. 445). 1^) York Reg., Bowet i, f. 350 v. "Johannes dominus Darcy et de Menyll' . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia Prioratus Canonicorum de Gysburn' in Clyveland aut in ecclesia Abbathie de Selby." A tomb in Selby Abbey is ascribed to him. The effigy bore Darcy and Menille quarterly on the surcoat. Among the arms depicted were Gray (of Heton), Grey (of Wilton), FitzHugh, Ufford quartering Willoughby {Bek), &c. {Coucher Book of Selby, vol. ii, pp. 1-liv). The arms of FitzHugh would seem more likely to occur on a monument to his son, Philip, than on his own. (■=) Writs de dote assignanda, England and Calais, 1 1 Nov., and Ireland, 14 Nov. [Cloie Roll, 14 Hen. IV, mm. 28, 23). On 14 June 141 2 she had a grant of ^^40 a year from her late husband's lands because of her poor estate and to maintain a son and 4 daughters yet unmarried: on 1 1 Nov. 141 2 she was granted the issues of her dower from the day of her husband's death. {Patent Rolls, 13 Hen. IV, />. 2, m. 20; 14 Hen. IV, m. 23). On 5 Mar. 1412/3 a writ de non intromittendo liberated to her the manor of Silkstone, co. York, which John Darcy chr. deceased had held at his death jointly with Margaret his wife surviving, da. of Henry Gray, Lord of Wikon, by the gift and feoffment of Philip, Lord Darcy and of Menylle, to them and the heirs male of their bodies. {Close Roll, 14 Hen. IV, m. 8). {^) Patent Roll, 9 Hen. V, /.. 1, m. 6. if) " (Probacio etatis Thome de Swyn)ford' filii et heredis Hugonis de Swynford' defuncti," Lincoln, Friday (...) 18 Ric. II. ". . . dictus Thomas fuit etatis viginti unius annorum in festo sancti Matthie Apostoli ultimo preterito . . . natus fuit apud Lincoln' in festo sancti Matthie Apostoli anno regni regis Edwardi tercii avi Regis nunc xlvij° et in crastino ejusdem festi in fonte ecclesie beate Margarete infra inclausum Lincoln' baptizatus fuit." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 85, no. 1 1 7). In the inquisitions taken, 27 Apr. and 24 June 46 Edw. Ill, after the death of Hugh de Swinford chr., it was found "quod predictus Hugo obiit in partibus transmarinis die Jovis proximo post festum sancti Martini in yeme ultimo preterito [13 Nov. 1371] et quod Thomas de Swynford' est filius et heres ejusdem Hugonis propinquior et etatis iiij"^ annorum et amplius." {Idem, Edw. Ill, file 229, no. 55). There is thus a strange discrepancy of 5 years or so in the dates given for the birth of Thomas. His legitimacy was, however, openly doubted. {Patent Roll, 13 Hen. IV, />. I, m. 35). (') "Thomas Swynford' miles." Writ of diern cl. ext. 18 May 10 Hen. VI. I