Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/96

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8o DARCY DARCY OF NAVAN BARONY [I.] I. James Darcy, s. and h. of the Hon. James D. (yr. s. I 1 72 1 °^ Conyers, Baron Darcy and Baron Conyers abovenamed) ' ■ (see ante, p. 70), by Isabel, da. of Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Bart, (and Isabel, da. and h. of Sir William Gascoigne, of Sedbury Park, co. York), was aged 1 5 at the Her. Visit, of co. York in 1665. M.P. (Tory) for Richmond 1698-1701, and 1702-05; sue. his father 1673, and was of Sedbury afsd. He was cr., 13 Sep. 1721, BARON DARCY of NAVAN, co. Meath [I.] {') for life, with rem. in tail male to his grandson, "James Darcy Esq, son of William Jessop Esq. and Mary his wife, ist da. of the said James, Lord Darcy." He m., istly, Bethia, da. of George Payler, of Nun Monkton, co. York. She d. 19 Nov. 1671, aged 18, and was bm: at Nun Monkton. M.I. He m., 2ndly, Anne, ist da. of Ralph (Stawell), ist Baron Stawell of Somerton, by his ist wife, Anne, da. of John Ryves, of Ranston, Dorset. She was bur. at Gilling, co. York. M.I. He w., 3rdly (lie. 19 Oct. 1693), Mary, ist da. of Sir William HiCKES, 2nd Bart., by Marthagnes, ist da. and coh. of Sir Harry Coningsby, of the Wild in Shenley, Herts. She d. 1 7 10, and was bur. at Gilling. M.I. He m., 4thly, 6 Apr. 1725, at Forcet, co. York, Margaret Garth. He d. s.p.m., 19 July 1731, in his 80th year, and was bur. at Gilling. M.I. Will dat. 5 Mar. 1725/6, pr. at York, 30 Oct. 1731. His widow d. 9 Aug. 1758. Will dat. 5 July 1758, pr. at York, i Nov. 1758. 11. 1 73 1 2. James (Jessop, afterwards Darcy), Baron Darcy of to Navan [I.], grandson and h., according to the spec. lim. 1733. in the patent of creation, being only s. and h. ap. of William Jessop, of Broom Hall, co. York, by Mary, ist da. and coh. of the 1st Lord by his ist wife. He d. unm. and intestate, 15 June 1733, aged about 26, when his Peerage became extinct. He was bur. at Gilling. M.I. Admon. 2 July 1733, to his father, and again 31 Mar. 1735, to Mary Jessop widow, and others, exors. of his said father then deceased. DARLINGTON i.e. "Darlington, co. Durham," Barony (Sedky), cr. 1685/6 (for life), with the Earldom of Dorchester, which see; extinct ijij. EARLDOM. Sophia Charlotte, Countess von Platen and I 1722 Hallermund, in Germany, and, ju?~e mariti, Baroness ^^ von Kielmansegge, in Germany, being da. of j„2r Franz Ernst, Imperial Count von Platen and Haller- mund, by Clara Elisabeth von Weisenbuch, who was mistress to Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, to (^) As he obtained a peerage, he must be presumed, like Harcourt, Trevor, Bingley, and others, to have left the Tories and rallied to the Court in tthe rei^n of George I. V.G.