Page:The Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray Vol.20.pdf/19

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by his English publishers, and from a volume of odds and ends issued by George Redway with the title Sultan Stork and other Stories and Sketches, containing also a bibliography which has been of special service in the preparation of these notes. Elizabeth Brownrigge was published in Fraser's Magazine in August, September, 1832, when Thackeray was in his twenty-second year. It thus pre- cedes Catherine, and was born of a similar purpose to give a vicious dig at the false fiction of the day. Sultan Stork, with two illustrations by George Cruikshank, appeared in Ainsworth's Magazine, February and May, 1842. Thack- eray had already used the signature of Goliah Gahagan in contributing The Professor to Bentley's Miscellany in 1837,

as well as more freely employing the creation in The Tremendous Adventures of Major Guhagan.

Boston, September, 1889.