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pea-green?” says Angelica. “Which do you think the dear Prince will like best?”

“Mrs. V.!” sings out the King from his dressing-room, “let us have sausages for breakfast! Remember we have Prince Bulbo staying with us!”

And they all went to get ready.

Nine o’clock came, and they were all in the breakfast-room, and no Prince Bulbo as yet. The urn was hissing

and humming: the muffins were smoking—such a heap of muffins! the eggs were done: there was a pot of raspberry jam, and coffee, and a beautiful chicken and tongue on the side-table. Marmitonio the cook brought in the sausages. Oh, how nice they smelt!

“Where is Bulbo?” said the King. “John, where is his Royal Highness?”

John said he had a took up his Roilighnessesses shaving-water, and his clothes and things, and he wasn’t in his room, which he sposed his Royliness was just stepped hout. vol. II.—14