Santa Maria de la Vitoria i., 164
Saucedo i., 214
Saussure M. de i., 472
Science, instruments of i., 438
tribunal for works on i., 95
coincidences as to ii., 390
Sculpture i., 94
Sculpture ii., 395
Sedeno i., 145
Segura de la Frontera ii., 150
Sidonia, Medina ii., 341, 354, 371
Sierra Templada i., 11
Del Agua i., 235
Madre i., 233
de Malinche i., 290, 154, 422
De los Pedernales ii., 342
Siesta i., 342, 371, 443
Siguenza, Dr. i., 427
Silver i., 28, 79, 186
Silver ii., 7, 352, 363, 415
Sin, Aztec origin of ii., 387, 389
Skins, use of human ii., 432
Skulls i., 49, 235, 385
Skulls ii., 393
Slavery, Aztec i., 27, 29
Slavery, Aztec ii., 370
Slaves, sacrificed i., 40
traffic in i., 83, 94
eaten i., 86
expedition for i., 125, 449
given to Cortés i., 165, 210
sent to Spain i., 216
owned by Las Casas i., 221
for sale i., 377
branded ii., 143, 187
hung i., 161
scruples of Cortés as to i., 325, 370
exemption of i., 326
Small-pox ii., 148, 419
Soldiers i., 30, 32, 107
Solís, Don Antonio de i., 206, 452, 457
on Montezuma's oath of allegiance ii., 415
on Cuitlahua i., 431
account of, and of his writings ii., 301
Songs and hymns i., 63
Sothic period i., 437
Southey i., 33, 438, 465, 473
Southey ii., 439
Sovereigns, Aztec i., 30
influence of priests on i., 50
presents to i., 83
reproved i., 102
power of i., 114
the title i., 457
Spain at the close of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella i., 119
subsequently i., 120
gold despatched to i., 127
despatches to, by Cortés i., 215, 216, 151
fruitful in historical composition ii., 59
chivalry in ii., 210
faction in, against Cortés ii., 218, 315, 316, 348, 350
Spaniards, traditions and prodigies i., 39, 129, 181, 273, 275, 310, 471
Spaniards, traditions and prodigies ii., 3, 168
cause of their not being stain in battle i., 50, 254
cause of their not being stain in battle ii., 210
favoured by sanguinary rites ii., 431
their desire of gold i., 165, 172, 186, 210
their desire of gold ii., 173
aided and befriended by Indians i., 171, 183
effects of Montezuma's gifts on i., 187
proposition to return to Cuba i., 188, 193, 195
sickly and distressed for supplies i., 188, 193
troubles in the camp i., 193
reinforced i., 214
effect on, of the destruction of the ships i., 219
fight Tlascalans i., 246, 259, 261, 263
loss of i., 253, 261
the killed are buried i., 261
declared to be children of the Sun i., 262
enter Tlascala i., 278
march to Cholula i., 291
on judging of their actions i., 310
called "the white gods" i., 310
their route to Mexico i., 315
effect of Montezuma's conduct on them i., 343, 348, 408, 4
assaulted in Mexico i., 39, 57
besieged i., 53, 55
assaults on their quarters i., 65
storm the temple i., 83
mutiny among i., 59
at the hill of Otoncalpolco i., 113
all wounded at the battle of Otumba i., 131
cut off i., 132
cut off i., 187
discontents i., 133
remonstrances i., 133, 149
jealousy between the allies and i., 135
reinforced i., 149
great purpose of the i., 160
murdered i., 165
quartered in Nezahualpilli's palace i., 167
Guatemozin's description of Tangapatan i., 433
capture Cuernavaca i., 206
captured and sacrificed i., 213, 215, 260, 274
captured and sacrificed at Cojohuacan i., 214
reinforced i., 217
second assault by the i., 239
their distresses i., 243, 250
joined by allies i., 247
their places of settlement i., 324
general illusion of the i., 330
their dreadful march to Honduras i., 333, 334
Spaniards under Narvaez ii., 18, 19, 24, 43, 104, 115
Spineto, Marquess i., 72
Standard, Aztec national i., 31, 69
of Tlascala ii. See Banner 257
of Tlascala ii., 226
Stars, worshipped i., 447
Statues i., 80, 365
Stephens, John L. ii., 365, 382, 457
Stone houses i., 125, 154, 201, 319, 325, 329, 335
Stone, sacrificial i., 45, 47
Stone, sacrificial ii., 85, 260
Stones, hurling of ii., 71, 84, 93, 198, 203
Strait, efforts for discovering the ii., 329
Suetonius i., 448
Sugar-cane i., 123, 125
Sugar-cane ii., 329, 363
Sully, Duke of ii., 416
Sulphur i., 318, 154
Sun temples to the i., 447
plate representing the i., 186
children of the i., 262
monument to the ii., 120
statue of the ii., 122
Superstition ii., 279
Sword-blades ii., 137
Swords, substitutes for i., 258
Symbolical writing i., 56
Tabascans i., 158, 161, 163, 164
conversion of i., 165
Tabasco, Rio de i., 126, 158
Tabasco, Rio de ii., 334
Tabasco, town of i., 159, 160
Table, ceremonies at i., 85
Tableland i., 12, 243
Tables, hieroglyphical i., 436
Tactics, Aztec military i., 31
Tamerlane, skulls i., 478
Tangapan, lord of Michuacan ii., 433
Tapia, Andres de ii., 208, 251, 257, 266
Tapia, Christoval de, commissioner to Vera Cruz ii., 219, 315
bought off in Castile ii., 317
brings charges against Cortés ii., 317
Taragona i., 309
Tarentum ii., 434
Tasco i., 79
Tasco ii., 323
Tatius, Achilles ii., 460
Tax-gatherers i., 29
Tax-gatherers ii., 4, 204
Tecocol, cacique of Tezcuco ii., 433
Tecuichpo ii., 98, 156, 289, 449
Teeth i., 443
Tehuantepec ii., 363
Telleriano-Remensis Codex i., 430, 434
Tempest ii., 292
Temples, or teocallls to Huitzilopotchli, the Mexican Mars i., 38
account of i., 42, 44, 429