Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/136

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Cer-|taine Oracles of Sibylla, agreeing|with the Revelation and other| places of Scripture.| Newlie Imprinted and corrected. |

Printed For Iohn Norton Dwel-|ling in Paules Church-yarde, meere vnto|Paules Schoole.| 1594.|

4°. Size 7 3/4 x 5 1/4 inches.

This edition is very like that of 1593, only the ornamental Title-page has been superseded by a plainer one, the ornament appearing in 1593 at the head of the Epistle dedicatorie now doing duty at the head of the Title-page. The collation remains the same, except as regards the spelling, and also that on Signature A81 the ‘Faults escaped’ are now omitted, being corrected in the text. The type is the same, but has been reset, there being numerous differences in spelling and occasional slight differences in the division into lines. The headpieces employed are, with one exception, found in the edition of 1593, but they are less varied and are frequently used in different places. It seems highly probable that this edition was printed in Edinburgh by Waldegrave for John Norton.

Libraries. New Col. Ed.; Brit. Mus. Lon.; Bodl. Oxf.;

A| Plaine Disco-|very, Of The Whole| Revelation of S. Iohn: set|downe in two treatises: the one searching and|proving the true interpretation thereof :|The other applying the same para-|phrasticallie and Historicallie|to the text.|Set Foorth By Iohn Napeir|L. of Marchiston. And now revised, corrected|and inlarged by him.| With a Resolvtion Of|certaine doubts, mooved by some well-|affected brethren.|Wherevnto Are Annexed, Cer-|taine Oracles of Sibylla, agreeing|with the Revelation and other|places of Scripture.

Edinbvrgh,|Printed by Andrew Hart. 1611.|Cum Privilegio Regiæ Maiestatis.|

4°, Size 6 3/4 x 5 1/4 inches.A11, Title. A12–A41, 6 pages, ‘To the Godly.…Reader,’ and ‘The book this bill.…A2, Table B11–H22, pp. 1–92, The first Treatise. H31, Table. H32–Y81, pp. 94–327, The second Treatise. Y83, blank. Z11–Bb2, pp. 329–332, ‘To the mislyking Reader.…’ Z31–Bb32, pp. 333–366, “A Resolution, of certaine doubts, proponed by well-affected brethren, and needfull to
