Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/147

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depuis la naissance de Christ ius-|ques à la fin du monde, sans interru-|ption des visions.|Par G.T.E.|cIɔ. IɔC. VII.|

Ff11, Title.Ff12, blank. Ff21–Ff32, 4 pages, La Preface.Ff41–Hh32, pp. 1–31, The Work itself.Hh32–Hh42, 3 pages, blank.

Signatures. A to Z and Aa to Gg in eights + Hh in four = 244 leaves.

Paging. 20 + 406 numbered + 22 + 6 + 31 numbered + 3 = 488 pages.

Errors in Paging. P. 397 numbered in error 367, and pp. 401–404 numbered in error 441–444. (Quatre Harm.) p. 3 numbered in error 5.

In the title-page of the Quatre Harmonies, the fifth line ends with “Prophe”; in the Oxford copy this is followed by a hyphen, but in the Breslau and Dresden copies the hyphen is wanting.

Libraries. Bodl. Oxf.; Stadt. Breslau; Un. Breslau; Kön. Öff. Dresden;

Ovvertvre|De Tovs Les Secrets|De|L’Apocalypse|Ov Revelation|De S. Iean.|En deux traités: I’vn recerchant & prouuant la|vraye interpretation d’icelle: l’autre appli-|quant au texte ceste interpretation pa-|raphrastiquement & histori-|quement.|Par Iean Napeir (c. à. d. Nompareil) Sieur de| Merchiston: reueuë par lui-mesme.|Et mise en François par Georges|Thomson Escossois.| Edition troisieme.| Amplifiee d’Annotations, & de quatre Harmonies sur|l’Apocalypse par le Translateur.|

Il te faut encores prophetizer à plusieurs peuples,|& gens, & langues, & Rois.|Apoc, 10, 11.|

A La Rochelle,|Par Noel de la Croix.|cIɔ. IɔC. VII.|

8°. Size 63/4 × 41/4 inches.A11, Title.A12, blank.A21–A41, 5 pages, Dedication to King James.A42–A71, 6 pages, Av Lectevr Pievx.… A72–A81, 2 pages, Aux Eglises Francoises.…A82–B22, 5 pages, Poems, as in the edition of 1603, also the Aduertissement.…Preceding B31, Table on folding sheet. B31–G52, pp. 1-86, The first Treatise.Preceding G61, Table on folding sheet. G62–Cc61, pp. 87–391, The second Treatise, four lines are carried over to the top of the page following 391.Cc62–Dd11, 6 pages, “Av Lecteur Mal-content.”Dd12–Dd81, 14 pages, Table des Matieres.… Dd82, Sonnet.

Qvatre|Harmonies|Svr La Revelation De|S. Iean: Tovchant La Royav-|te, Prestrise Et Prophe-|tie de Iesus Christ.|Contenantes aussi la Prophetic & Histoire Chrestienne|aucunement
