Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/179

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description of the rods, with examples of their use in multiplication, division, and the extraction of square and cube roots.

Libraries. Un. Ed.; Brit. Mus. Lon. (2); Lambeth Pal. Lon.;

Another Edition.

London, printed by T. B. for H. Sawbridge, at the|Bible on Ludgate-Hill. 1685.|

Libraries. Un. Ab.; Brit. Mus. Lon.;

Nepper’s Rechenstäbchen, als Hülfsmittel bei d. Multiplication u. Division d. Zahlen- u. Decimalbrüche; hrsgg. v. F. A. Netto. Mit 100 Rechenstäbchen, Dresd. 1815. Arnold. 18g.

{{fine|This entry is copied from C. G. Kayser’s Vollstandiges Bücher-Lexicon (1750-1832), published at Leipsic in 1835. The work apparently treats of ‘Napier’s Bones.’

Traité De La|Trigonometrie,|Povr Resovdre Tovs|Triangles Rectilignes|Et Spheriqves.|Avec Les Demonstrations Des|deux celebres Propositions du-Baron de Merchiston,|non encores demonstrees.|Dediée|A Messire Robert Kar, Comte| d’Ancrame, Gentil-homme de la Chambre|du Roy de la Grand’ Bretagne.|

A Paris,|Chez Nicolas et Iean de la Coste, au|mont S. Hilaire, à l’Escu de Bretagne, & en leur|boutique à la petite porte du Palais|deuant les Augustins.|M. DC. XXXVI.|Avec Privilege Du Roy.|

8°. Size 6 1/8 × 3 7/8 inches. a11,–ĩ4?, 20 pages, Preliminary matter. a1–p22, pp. 1–116, “Des Triangles Rectilignes.”A11–Y41, pp. 1–193 [175] “Des Triangles Spheriqves.”Y42, woodcut.

In the first part, on a folio sheet facing p. 68, is a table of ‘Racines de 10’ and of their logarithms.

Paging. 20 + 116 numbered + (193 - 18 for error =) 175 numbered + 1 = 312 pages.

Signatures. ã in 4, ẽ in 2 & i in 4 + a to o in 4 & p in 2 + A to Y in 4 = 156 leaves.
