Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/189

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titit, vt hunc in|se laborem susciperet. Cui ille non|inuitus morem gessit. |

In tenui; sed non tenuis, structusve laborve.

, 16 pages.

The above short Preface occupies the first page of a small tract of sixteen pages, the remaining fifteen containing the natural numbers from 1 to 1000 with their logarithms, to base 10, to 14 places. The tract bears no author’s name or place or date of publication, but the evidence which assigns it to Briggs, and fixes the place and date of its publication as, London, 1617, seems conclusive. The Table of Logarithms is the first published to a base different from that employed by Napier.

It is unnecessary here to refer to subsequent works on Logarithms of a different kind from those originally published by Napier.

Libraries. Brit. Mus. Lon.;

Note.—In the foregoing Catalogue the only collections of Napier’s works referred to are in public libraries. The largest single collection, however, is that in possession of Lord Napier and Ettrick. Besides the editions more commonly met with, it embraces several not found in any of the public libraries of this country, as well as a copy of the rare ‘Ephemeris Motuum Celestium ad annum 1620,’ which contains Kepler’s letter of dedication to Napier, dated 27th July 1619.