per from an inner pocket, "this is not the identical copy of The Times that Bickerdale had; this is another copy of the same issue—I got it, as a back number, for myself. Now, Miss Durham and Mr. Craye, you read that! and you'll be getting at a very good notion of what it is that I want to get out of Mr. Parslewe! There, marked with red ink."
He laid the newspaper on the table before us, and we bent over it, reading with feelings which—so far as I was concerned—rapidly became mixed.
"£250 Reward. To Auctioneers, Antiquarian and Second-hand Booksellers, Buyers of Rare Books, etc.: Missing, and Probably Stolen, from a well-known Private Library, the following Scarce Works. 1. Hubbard's Present State of New England, 1677; 2. Brandt's Ship of Fooles, 1570; 3. Burton's Anatomy, 1621; 4. Whole Works of Samuel Daniel, Esquire, in Poetrie, 1623; 5. Drayton's Polyolbion, 1622; 6. Higden's Polycronicon, 1527; 7. Florio's Montaigne, 1603. Each of these copies, all extremely scarce, contains a book-plate of which the follow-