begin with, the copper box wasn't always where it is, nor in this house at all."
"No?" I said, inquiringly.
She remained silent a moment or two, evidently reflecting. Then she turned to me with an air of confidence.
"As Jimmie put me under your charge," she said ingratiatingly, "I———"
"You told me just now that his orders were countermanded, and that you were boss," said I.
"Oh, well! You know what I mean!" she answered. "Anyway, as he said you were to tell me all about this extraordinary adventure, I suppose there's no reason why I shouldn't be equally straightforward with you. It seems to me that we're at a pass where frankness is advisable."
"Absolutely necessary, I should think," said I.
"Very well," she went on. "I remember the copper box coming here."
"You do?" I exclaimed. "Ah!"
"Jimmie," she continued, "to give him the name by which I've called him ever since I was that high, is an eccentric person—very!