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Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/23

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ITINERARY, 1540-1541
July 7 Coronado reaches Cibola and captures the first city, the pueblo of Hawikuh, which he calls Granada.
July 11 The Indians retire to their stronghold on Thunder mountain.
July 15 Pedro de Tovar goes to Tusayan or Moki, returning within thirty days.
July 19 Coronado goes to Thunder mountain and returns the same day.
Aug. 3 Coronado writes to Mendoza. He sends Juan Gallego to Mexico, and Melchior Diaz to Corazones with orders for the army. Friar Marcos accompanies them.
Aug. 25(?) Lopez de Cardenas starts to find the canyons of Colorado river, and is gone about eighty days.
Aug. 26 Alarcon enters the mouth of Colorado river.
Aug. 29 Hernando de Alvarado goes eastward to Tiguex, on the Rio Grande, and to the buffalo plains.
Pedro de Alvarado arrives in New Spain.
Sept. 7 Hernando de Alvarado reaches Tiguex.
Diaz and Gallego reach Corazones about the middle of September, and the army starts for Cibola.
Coronado visits Tutahaco.
September to January The army reaches Cibola, and goes thence to Tiguex for its winter quarters. The natives in the Rio Grande pueblos revolt and are subjugated. The Turk tells the Spaniards about Quivira.
October Diaz starts from Corazones before the end of September, with twenty-five men, and explores the country along the Gulf of California, going beyond Colorado river.
Diego de Alcaraz is left in command of the town of San Hieronimo.
Nov. 29 Mendoza and Pedro de Alvarado sign an agreement in regard to common explorations and conquests.
Jan. 8 Diaz dies on the return from the mouth of the Colorado, and his companions return to Corazones valley.
March Alcaraz, during the spring, moves the village of San Hieronimo from Corazones valley to the valley of Suya river.
April 20 Beginning of the Mixton war in New Galicia.
Coronado writes a letter to the King from Tiguex, which has been lost.
Tovar and perhaps Gallego return to Mexico
April 23 Coronado starts with all his force from Tiguex to cross the buffalo plains to Quivira.
May The army is divided somewhere on the great plains, perhaps on Canadian river. The main body returns to Tiguex, arriving there by the middle or last of June.
De Soto crosses the Mississippi.