Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/412

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[eth. ann. 14

Cortés, Hernan — Continued.

cia al mismo Marqués segun la capitnlacion hecha cou S. M. el año de 1529, á cuyo efecto habia despachado ya cuatro armadas, y descubierto cou ellas por sí y por sus capitanes muchas tierras é islas, de cuyos viajes y el suceso que tuvo hace una relacion sucinta.

Doc. Inád. España, iv, 209–217.

-Memorial dado á la Magestad del Cesar D. Cárlos Quinto, Primero de España, por el Sr. D. Hernando Cortés, Marqués del Valle, hallándose en estos reinos, eu que hace presentes sus dilatados servicios en la conquista de Nueva España por lo que pide las mercedes que contiene el mismo.

Doc. Inéd. España, iv, 219-232. "No tiene fecha. . . despues de 1541."

-Peticion que dió Don Hernando Cortés coutra Don Antonio de Mendoza, Virey, pidiendo residencia contre él.

Icazbalceta, Mexico, ii, 62-71. About 1542-43.

— Historia de Nueva España, escrita por Hernan Cortés, aumentada con otros documentos, y notas, por Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana. — México, 1770.

See page 325 and the map: "Domingo del Castillo Piloto me Fecit en Mexico año. . . M. D. XLI." This volume contains the letters of Cortes to the Spanish King, for a bibliographic account of which see Sabin's Dictionary of American Books. These dispatches may also be conveniently consulted in volume i of Barcia, Historiadores.

The above entries are chiefly such as are of interest for their bearing on the troubles between Cortes and Mendoza, which were very closely connected with the history of the Coronado expedition. The best guide to the study of the personal history and the conquests of Cortes is found in Winsor's America, ii. pages 397-430.

Cushing, Frank Hamilton.

Zuñi fetiches.

Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1880–81, pp. 9-45.

— A study of pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zuñi culture growth.

Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83, pp. 467-521.

— Preliminary notes on the origin, working hypothesis and primary researches of the Hemenway southwestern archæological expedition.

Congrès International des Américanistes, 7me session, 1888, pp. 151–194. Berlin, 1890.

— Zuñi breadstnff.

The Millstone, Indianapolis, Jan., 1884, to Aug., 1885.

— Outlines of Zuñi creation myths.

Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1891–92, pp. 321-447.

Davila, Gil Gonzalez.

Teatro eclesiastico de la primitiva iglesia de las Iudias Occidentales, vidas de svs arzobispos, obispos, y cosas Davila, Gil Gonzalez-Continued. memorables de evs sedes. — Madrid, M.DC.XLIX.

These two volumes are a valuable source of biographical and other ecclesiastical information, for much of which this is perhaps the only authority.

Davis, William Watts Hart.

The Spanish conquest of New Mexico. — Doylestown, Pa., 1869.

The first 230 pages of this volume contain a very good outline of the narratives of the explorations of Cabeza de Vaca, Fray Marcos, and Coronado.

— The Spaniard in New Mexico.

Papers of the American Historical Association, iii 1889, pp. 164–176. A paper read before the association, at Boston, May 21, 1887.

De Bry, Theodore. See Abelin.

Diaz del Castillo, Bernal.

Historia verdadera do la conqvista de la Nveva España, escrita por. . . vno de sus conquistadores. — Madrid, 1632.

This interesting work, which counteracts many of the impressions given by the dispatches of Cortes, was reprinted in 1632 and again in 1795, 1837, 1854, and in volume xxvi (Madrid, 1853) of the Bibl. de Autores Españoles. It was translated into English by Keating, London, 1800, reprinted at Salem, Mass., 1803; and by Lockhart, London, 1844.

Discurso y proposicion que se hace á Vuestra Magestad de lo tocante á los descubrimientos del Nuevo México por sns capítulos de puntos diferentes.

Doc. de Indias, xvi. 38-86.

Documentos de España.

Coleccion de documentos inéditos para la historia de España. — Madrid, 1842 (-1895).

There are now (1895) 112 volumes in this series, and two or three volumes are usually added each year. A finding list of the titles relating to America, in volumes i-ex, prepared by G. P. Winship, was printed in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library for October, 1894. A similar list of titles in the Pacheco y Cardenas Coleccion in in preparation. Cited as Doc. Inéd. España.

Documentos de Indias. See Pacheco-Cardenas.

Donaldson, Thomas.

Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona and Pueblo Indians of New Mexico.

Extra Census Bulletin, Washington, 1893. This "special expert" report on the numbers and the life of the south western village Indians contains a large number of reproductions from photographs showing the people and their homes, which render it of very considerable interest and usefulness. The text is not reliable.

Drake, Francis. See Fletcher, Francis.

Emory, William Hemsley.

Notes of a military reconuoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California. — Washington, 1818.

Ex. Doc. 41, Thirtieth Congress, first session.