Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/429

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eth. ann. 14]
Davis, W. H., on destruction of New Mexican documents 535
Dā′wa-wymp-ki-yas, Tusayan sun priests 518
Day, mythic origin of 200
Daylight in Menomini mythology 91
Deer at Cibola 560
—, description of, by Colorado river Indians 405
—, in Menomini myth 201
—, in pueblo region 518
—, of great plains 528
Deer brains, bows sized with 281
Demotic classification of indians xxvii, xxviii, xxxviii
Descalona, Louis, labors of, at Pecos 401
Descent among the Menomini 43
De Soto, see Soto
Dialects among plains indians 582
Diaz, Melchior, position of 477
—, ordered to verify Friar Marcos' reports 363
—, Niza's report investigated by 547, 553, 572
—, on Niza's discoveries 383
—, in command of San Hieronimo 392
—, command of, at Corazones 484
—, exploration by 406, 480, 485, 574
—, death of 407, 501
Dickson, Robert, at capture of Mackinaw 55
—, indians under, in war of 1812 19
Dinwiddie, William, work of xxxvi
Disease attributed to witchcraft 139
—, treatment of, by jugglery 149, 150
—, treatment of, by sucking 149
Diving contest in Menomini myth 189
Divorce among pueblo indians 521
—, see Marriage
Dodge, Richard I, on classification of arrows 278
Do Campo, see Campo
Dogs ceremonially eaten 111
—, in Menomini myth 179, 194
—, mention of, in connection with Coronado expedition 401, 405, 407
—, use of, by plains indians 504, 507, 527, 570, 578
Dominguez, quotations from dictionary of 545
Donado, ecclesiastical use of term 400
Dorantes, Andres, survivor of Narvaez expedition 348
—, remains in Mexico to conduct explorations 349
—, travels of 474
—, traces of, found by Coronado 505, 506
Dorantes, Francisco, mistake for Andres 348
—, see Cabeza de Vaca
Dorsey, J. O., linguistic researches by xl, xlv
—, on Indian religious concepts 39
Drake, Francis, on indian giants 485
Draper, L. C., on Eleazer Williams 23
—, quoted on Oshkosh 46
—, quoted on Tshekatshakemau 45
Dreamer, society of the Menomini 63, 157, 161
Dreams, effect of certain 262
Dress, ceremonial, of the Menomini 74, 264
Dreuillettes, G, on the Green Bay tribes 51
Drilling by the Menomini 264
Drum, medicine, of the Menomini 77, 113
—, mystic power of 93
—, significance of the 159
—, used in Menomini jugglery 63
—, used in moccasin game 242, 243
—, at Pecos 491
Drunkenness, absence of, at Cibola 518
—, among the Menomini 34
—, among the Tabus 574
Duck in Menomini mythology 163,203, 254
Durango, a Mexican state 545
—, province of New Spain 353
—, mines in 476
Dwellings of the Menomini 253
Dzhō′seqkwapo, genealogy of 57
Eagles in Menomini mythology 92, 131, 166, 217
—, tame, kept by indians 516
Eames, Wilberforce, acknowledgments to 339
Earth, Menomini personification of 87
Earthenware of indians mentioned by Castaneda 511
—, see Pottery
Earthquakes near mouth of Colorado river 501
Eclipse, effect of, at Cibola 518
Edwards, N., Menomini treaty commissioner 20, 21
Eels, Myron, acknowledgments to xliii
Elk people, myth of the 182
Ellis, A. G., on Eleazer Williams 23
—, on Menomini land cessions 22
—, on selection of Menomini chief 46
—, on the Stambaugh treaty 29
Encaconados, Sonoran use of term 358
Ernest, a Menomini, genealogy of 50
Espejo, Antonio de, Mexican indians found at Cibola by 401, 536
—, on clothing of Zuñi Indians 517
—, on Coronado's attack on Tiguex 496
—, on plains indians 527
Espinoza, death of 555, 564, 586
Espiritu Santo river identified with Mississippi 346
Estebanillo, see Estevan
Estevan, survivor of Narvaez expedition 348
—, qualifications as a guide 354
—, proceeds to Cibola in advance of Kiza 355
—, travels of 474
—, death of 360,475,551 586
—, Coronado's account of tho death of 563
—, death of, described by Colorado river indians 405
—, native legends of death of 361
Estrada, Alonzo de, royal treasurer for New Spain 379
—, parentage of 474
Estrada, Beatrice de, wife of Coronado 379, 478
Estremadura, Spanish province 511
Estufas, descriptions of 520
—, description of, by Jaramillo 587
—, reference to 569
—, at Cibola 518