Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/434

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[kth. ann. 14
La Salle in Mississippi valley 14
Lebarnaco, Menomini treaty comissioner 21
Legerdemain, see Jugglery,  
Lenox Library, acknowledgment to lv, 339, 413
Leon, Juan de. copy of evidence made by 598
Leopard, see Wildcat.
Leslie, Lieutenant, and the Pontiac conspiracy 130
L'Espagnol, Menomini treaty signer 28
Leyva, Francisco de, on effect of Marcos' report 366
Ligney, — de, expedition of 16
Linguistics, work in ixxix
—, see Language.
Lino, Rio del, reference to 554, 555
Lions, native American 517
—, in pueblo region 518
—, mountain, found by Coronado at Cibola 560
Lipans, poisoned arrows used by the 285
Little Valley, settlement of 515
Lizards used as food 287
Llama, former habitat of 549
Lodges, ceremonial, of the Winnebago 110
—, of the Menomini 253
—, see Medicine lodge, Jugglery .}}
Longevity among the Menomini 45
Lopez, Diego, appointment of, as captain 477
—, appointment of, as army-master 508
—, Samaniego succeeded by 480
—, horse of, killed at Cibola 557
—, adventure of, at Tiguex 496
—, visit of, to Haxa 505
Lopez de Cardenas, G., see Cardenas.
Lorimier, a Caughnawaga chief 24
Los Muertos, excavations at, in Arizona. 518
Louisiana, Biloxi Indians of xl
Love powders of the Menomini 67, 153-154
Lower California, early name of 351
—, colony in, under Cortes 351
—, Cortes' colony recalled from 369
Lucas, native companion of Padilla 400, 535
Luis, a Franciscan friar 556, 565, 579
Luis de Escalona, settlement of, at Ciouye 592
Luis de Ubeda remains at Cicuye 401, 534, 535
Lung Woman in Menomini myth 226
Macaque, a pueblo settlement 517
—, see matsaki.
MacCauley, Clay, on Menomini Dreamer society 160, 161
McGee, W. J., researches of xxxviii
McKenney, R. T., treaty commissioner 21
McKenney, T. L., treaty commissioner 27, 28
Mackinac, myth concerning 199
Mackinaw, capture of 55
McNab, —, at Eleazer Williams investigation 24
Magic performed by the Wabeno 161
—, see Jugglery.
Mago, Opata word for poisonous plant 538
Maguey, use of, for clothing by Indians. 569
Maize, description of 518
—, see Corn.
Makyata, see Marata, Matyata.
Maldonado, Alonso del Castillo, survivor of Narvaez, expedition 348
Maldonado, Rodrigo, appointment of, as captain 477
—, Oidor in New Spain 596
—, visit to seacoast by 484
—, explores Gulf of California 392
—, travels of 474
—, camp of attacked 499
—, buffalo skins given to, by Indians 505
—, horse of, injures Coronado 531
Mallery, Garrick, researches of xxxii
—, Indian sign language 504
Mallets, indian 498
—, of the Menomini 260
Maluco, visit to, by Villalobos 412
Mä'näbǔsh, etymology of 87, 114
—, signification of 162
—, mythic origin of 87
—, abode of 206
—, and the ball game 131
—, and the bear ânâmagkǐǔ 175
—, and the birds 203
—, and the buzzard 202
—, and the kingfisher 116
—, and the warriors 118
—, and the water monster 125
—, as a hunter 182
—, myth concerning 73
—, genesis myth 113
—, mystic gifts to 91, 118
—, search for 206
—, travels of 162, 199
Manbasseaux, Menomini treaty signer 28
Mandan slaves among Menomini 35
Manidos, power derived from faith in 105
—, indian regard for 65
—, of the Menomini 39
Manitouwauk, meaning of 19
Manrich, A. de, horse of, killed at Cibola. 557
Manrique de Lara, Alonso, see Lara.
Manufactures of the Menomini 258
Map drawn by Coronado 392
—, showing results of Coronado expedition 403
Maple sirup, use of, by Menomini 286
Maple-sugar making 287
—, mythic origin of 173
Máqkatári, genealogy of 57
Marata, Coronado's account of 560
—, identified with Matyata 357
—, mention of, by Diaz 550
Marco Polo, quotation from 571
—, stories of, compared with Castañeda 345
Marcos, see Niza .}}
Marcoux, Père, on early mission records 24
Margaret, a Menomini, genealogy of 57
Marjoram, native American 617
—, wild, found by Coronado 510
—, wild, of great plains 528
Marksmanship of Indians 499, 507
Marqués, Isla del, name of, given to Lower California 486
Marquis of the Valley, title of, given to Cortes 473