Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/441

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eth. ann. 14]
Servantes, see Cervantes. 0
Seven Cities, stories and legends concerning 363, 553
—, expedition to, under Guzman 473
—, see Cibola, Zuñi. 0
Shamans of the Menomini 61, 62
—, see Medicine-me. 0
Shanot, genealogy of 57
Shashamanee, Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Shawano or Shawnee dance of the Menomini 248
—, language, study of the xii
—, meaning of term 247
—, migrations of the 345
Shea, J. G., on Cabeza de Vaca's route 348
—, on Menomini language 60
—, on Menomini native name 12
—, on Menomini population 33
—, on possible conjunction of Coronado and De Soto 371
Sheegad, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Sheep given to friars by Coronado 592
—, merino, imported by Mendoza 375
—, mountain, description of, by Castaneda 487
—, native American 516
—, taken by Spanish soldiers for food 501, 535, 542
—, see Mountain goat. 0
Sheewanbeketoan, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Shekkatshokwemau, see Tshekatshakemau. 0
Shell, magic, of the Menomini 75
—, sacred, described and figured 101
—, sacred, given to Mä'näbtǔsh 91
—, sacred, in pictography 109
—, sacred, mystic power of 102-104, 112
—, sacred, of the Winnebago 110
—, used as spoons 256, 257
—, used in bead-working 265
—, working by California tribes 266
Shinguaba Wossin, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Shivwits, stone knives among the 283
Shoank-ay-paw-kaw, Menomini treaty signer 28
Shoank Skaw, Menomini treaty signer 28
Shoank-tshunksiap, Menomini treaty signer 28
Shoshoni, linguistic affinity of the 525
—, stone arrowpoints of the 282
Shrines of Sonora indians 515
Shunien, genoalogy of 58
—, portrait of 59
Sia, pueblo of 525
—, mentioned by Jaramillo 587
—, report on the xliv
—, see Chia. 0
Sibola, see Cibol. 0
Sibu'loda, Isleta name for buffalo 517
Sign lanquage, work in ixxi
Signaling by various means xxxii
Signs, use of, by plains indians 504, 527
Sikvatki, excavations at 519
Silver found by Coronado at Cibola 563
—, found by Spaniards at Tuqneyunque 511
—, reports of from Quivira 503, 504, 512
—, mines in Culiacan 514
Silver, use of, by pueblo indians for glazing 526
—, use of in Indian trade 472
—, workers, stories of 473
Simpson, James H., on location of Quivira 397
—on location of Tiguex 491
Sinew used for bowstrings 275
—, used in arrow-making 276, 277, 278
—, used in blade-mounting 284
Sinaloa, river and settlement of 515
—, see Cinaloa. 0
Sioux, ceremonials of the 111
—, ghost dance among the xxxix
Sisseton, poisoned arrows used by the 285
Sitting Bull, character of 63, 64
Six Nations, Wisconsin land treaty with 31
Skin-dressing by the Menomini 261
Skulls used by Acaxes to decorate houses 514
Skunk, folktale of the 213
—, in Menomini myth 239
Slavery among pueblo indians 548
—, at Pecos 491
—, among the Menomini 35
Slaves, captive indians used as, by Spaniards 499, 510
—, in army of Coronado 402
Sleight of hand, see Juggler 0
Smet, P. J. de, on story of Nanaboojoo 207
Smith, Buckingham, Cabeza de Vaca's relation translated by 347, 474
—, copy of Alvarado's report printed by 594
—, documents printed by 572, 584
—, quotation from document printed by 590
Smokk offering by the Potawatomi 209
Smoking among the Menomini 251
—, ceremonial, by the Menomini 78, 81, 83, 85, 88, 99, 158, 159
—, ceremonial, in pictography 109
Snake-bag trick 97
Snake ceremony of the Menomini 36
Snake dance, significance of 561
Snake poison, use of, by indians 500
Snakeroot, use of, by the Menomini 291
Snakes, absence of on great plains 513
—, in Menomini myth 132
—, worship of, among Tahus 513
Snares of the Menomini 274
Snow, mythic destruction of 216
Snowshoes in Menomini myth 179
—, of the Menomini 263
Snow-snake game of the Menomini 244
Sobaipuri, Friar Marcos among the 356
—, knowledge of Cibola among 358
Societies, cult, of the Menomini 66
Sociology, work in xix vii
Sodomy, absence of, at Cibola 518, 522
—, among indians of Petatlan 515
—, among indians at Suyu 516
—, among Pacaxes 514
Solis, Francisco de 529
Solis, Isidoro de, mention of, by Jaramillo 592
Solis de Meras, Gonzalo, mention of, by Jaramillo 592
Solomon. S., Menomini treaty commissioner 21