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Page:The Cost of Delaying Action to Stem Climate Change.pdf/20

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Table 1: Increased Mitigation Costs Resulting from a Delay, Given a Specified Climate Target: Regression Results

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Delay (decades) 37.3**
Delay (decades) x
ppm CO2e≤500
Delay (decades) x
500<ppm CO2e≤600
Delay (decades) x
ppm CO2e>600
Partial delay 8.3
Target CO2e concentration -0.49***
Model fixed effects? No No No Yes No
Observations 58 58 58 58 58
R-squared 0.41 0.15 0.24 0.53 0.30

Notes: The table presents ordinary least squares regression coefficients, with each column representing a different regression. For each, the dependent variable is the percent increase in cost from a scenario involving no delay to a scenario involving a delay. Each observation is a comparison of a pair of scenarios with the same climate target, for a total oi 58 observations. The regressors represent some of the variables that characterize each paired comparison: the simulated delay, the delay interacted with the concentration target (binned), whether only some countries delayed (partial delay), and the target concentration. The appendix lists all studies from which the data were drawn. The specification in column (1) does not include a constant.

Significant at the: *10% **5% ***1% significance level.

Source: CEA calculations on results from studies listed in appendix.