Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 4).djvu/278

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AT the same moment M. de Villefort's voice was heard calling from his cabinet, "What is the matter?"

Morrel consulted Noirtier's look, who had recovered his self-command, and with a glance indicated the closet where, once before, under somewhat similiar circumstances, he had taken refuge. He had only time to get his hat, and throw himself breathless into the closet; the procureur's footstep was heard in the passage.

Villefort sprang into the room, ran to Valentine, and took her in his arms.

"A physician! a physician! M. d'Avrigny!" cried Villefort; "or rather I will go for him myself."

He flew from the apartment, and Morrel, at the same moment, darted out at the other door. He had been struck to the heart by a frightful recollection—the conversation he had heard between the doctor and Villefort the night of Madame de Saint-Méran's death recurred to him; these symptoms, to a less alarming extent, were the same which had preceded the death of Barrois. At the same time Monte-Cristo's voice seemed to resound in his ear, who had said, only two hours before: "Whatever you want, Morrel, come to me; I can do much."

Quicker than thought, he darted down the Rue Matignon, and thence to the Avenue des Champs Elysées.

Meanwhile Villefort arrived in a hired cab at d'Avrigny's door. He rang so violently that the porter came alarmed. Villefort ran upstairs without saying a word. The porter knew him, and let him pass, only calling to him:

"In his cabinet, M. le Procureur du Roi—in his cabinet!" Villefort pushed, or rather forced, the door open.