uttered a piercing cry, and fell to the ground, pointing, as she did so, to a head over the gate. Above it were inscribed these words:
'This is the head of All Tebelin, Pacha of Janina.'
"I cried bitterly, and tried to raise my mother from the earth, but she was dead! I was taken to the slave-market, and was purchased by a rich Armenian. He caused me to be instructed, gave me masters, and when I was thirteen years of age he sold me to the Sultan Mahmoud."
"Of whom I bought her," said Monte-Cristo, "as I told you, Albert, with the emerald which formed a match to the one I had made into a box for the purpose of holding my pastilles of hashish."
"Oh! you are good! you are great! my lord!" said Haydee, kissing the count's hand, "and I am very fortunate in belonging to such a master."
Albert remained quite bewildered with all that he had seen and heard.
"Come! finish your cup of coffee," said Monte-Cristo; "the history is ended."