Page:The Craftsmanship of Writing.djvu/288

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Pierre et Jean (Maupassant) 63, 229
Pilgrim's Progress, The (Bunyan) 119
Pit, The (Frank Norris) 85
Poe, Edgar Allan 54, 63, 98, 100, 123, 194, 250
Pope, Alexander 55
Portraits Contemporains (Gautier) 164
Procurateur de Judée, Le (Anatole France) 149

Quintillian 230

Rabelais, François 56, 121
Raven, The (Poe) 63, 100
Redcoat Captain (Ollivant) 119
Reade, Charles 97
Richardson, Samuel 56, 68
Robertson, Morgan 40
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe) 41
Rod, Edouard 33
Roderick Random (Smollett) 133
Rois en Exile, Les (Daudet) 86
Romanciers Naturalistes (Zola) 167
Roman Empire, The Decline and Fall of the 88
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 136
Rouge et le Noir, Le (Stendhal) 225
Rougon-Macquart, Les 260
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 56
Ruskin, John 32, 39, 119

Sainte Beuve 197
Saintsbury, Professor George 220, 221
Sand, George 122
Scott, Sir Walter 224
Shakespeare, William 56, 75, 92, 104, 105, 136
"Shakespeare Once More" (Lowell) 51
Smollett, Tobias 56, 68, 104, 133
Snaith, J. C. 232
Sonnets From the Portuguese (Mrs. Browning) 75
Stendhal 182, 260, 261
