Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/111

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she picked up the grouse and turned to him there was no reproach in her voice.

“Oh, Flash, it’s a mean trick to steal your dinner,” she said. “But I haven’t any meat. Beans and rice and biscuits are so dry and I do love grouse. Will you share it with me, Flash?”

She carried the bird back to the cabin and dressed it, reserving only the white breast meat for herself and giving the rest to Flash. This female tyranny was no new thing to Flash. Often when with Silver he had killed some small game animal or bird only to have Silver deprive him of it.

The next day he foraged near the cabin and killed another grouse. As he pulled off the head and swallowed it a sudden thought struck him, and he did not tear at the bird. He had been the main support of his family during the first month after Silver’s pups were born, carrying food to the den each night. This wonderful, shining Goddess who had adopted him had taken his last grouse for her own.

He took the grouse in his mouth and trotted back to the cabin. From past experience with Silver it seemed perfectly natural to kill and