Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/117

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In the spring a bear’s pelt is in its prime when the fur of all others slips. His hair has grown thick and silky during the long winter sleep of hibernation. In this high country the bear does not leave his den until some time early in May but even this is too early for men to bring horses across the lofty passes that lead into it.

The girl knew that this fact was intimately related to Dad Kinney’s plans. The previous fall he had left supplies at the cabin, planning to come in on foot, and collect many prime spring pelts to be packed out later when the passes were free of snow.

The days passed and Kinney failed to come.

The girl often talked of this to Flash.

“He should have been here long ago.” Each day she repeated this to the dog. “Even if he had changed his plans he would come the instant my letter reached him, Flash. He’s a little late, that’s all. He’ll be here to-morrow sure.” And as each succeeding night fell without a sign of