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he went on. “Jarrat belongs in a coop for the homicidal insane and Hanlin’s a thick skulled brute—but even so, when it comes to brains they have this layout cheated seven ways from the deuce.”

“You wanted the girl yourself,” said Cole. “You aimed to take her off somewhere alone.”

“What of it?” Harte shrugged. “I wouldn’t have made a mess of it. Tie up those rents in your hide and let’s go.”

“Go!” Cole exclaimed. “Go where?”

“Anywhere,” said Harte. ‘Do you poor brainless apes expect to bed down here and sleep? There’s a hunting party of the girl’s friends camped around here close. They’ll have guides. When they hear the girl’s story they’ll be looking for us and pick us off like rats as we lay asleep around the fire.”

As always, his logic was convincing. They started to apply what rough first aid they could to the deepest cuts. As they moved, a beast with dripping jaws circled round and round the fire, waiting for one to venture out into the night.

When they left they started downstream in the opposite direction from the girl. Flash let them go and went back to her. He followed her warm