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Betty could not give herself to him; that she might have come under his influence as so many others had before. However, when he spoke there was no sign of these thoughts reflected in his voice.

“All right Nash—you can start explaining now,” he said. His tones were flat and even but suddenly the girl knew what he had meant when he had said that if necessary he would keep her as Flash would keep his mate.

Before Nash could reply a gray shape landed on the sill and made one twelve-foot leap straight for his throat. The man shrank back a step, both arms upflung to protect his face. This backward step and the length of the spring caused Flash to fall short and his teeth only tore one leather sleeve. Before he could spring again, even before his feet were on the floor, Moran’s warning command thundered in his ears. There was no mistaking the sincerity of his tone.

“Flash! You, Flash! Down!” he roared. Flash stood bristling in front of Nash, backing from him inch by inch, impelled against his will by the stern insistence of his master’s voice. He knew that Betty was unhurt, that Moran did not wish him to kill this man, yet he knew too that