Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/235

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watched him curiously, wondering what this thing could be for which Moran sought so long.

They neared a low ridge, the prearranged spot where Moran was to find Vermont’s fresh trail. When within a hundred yards of the crest Flash caught the scent, and knew one of the men from camp had passed less than an hour before. He did not in any way connect this with the thing for which Moran still hunted. As they topped the ridge Moran pointed triumphantly at the plain print of a boot in the gravelly soil. Flash sniffed it critically but it told him nothing which he had not known for the past five minutes. Moran turned down the ridge on the tracks. They were of small consequence to Flash and it was some time before he fully realized that they interested Moran. Had they been those of a stranger he would have known this sooner, as his own quickened interest would have rendered him more alert. There seemed no good reason why Moran should trail this friend whom he had seen so recently. The one outstanding fact remained that whatever the reason, Moran was deliberately tracking him. Once sure of this Flash began to help, unconsciously at first, then with deliberate intent.

The trail was an easy one for a tracker of