Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/239

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 T ranch, asking for the services of as many men as could be spared for the next two weeks. The verbal message was for Harmon, asking that he undertake the long trip to the Bar T and bring the others back.

Moran knew that both requests would be granted at once. Those men to whom he appealed were friends of long standing. Harmon and the Bar T boys would stay in a separate camp until their help was needed.

Shortly after Kinney’s departure Flash grew restless. He longed for the girl and the quiet of the cabin. Moran noticed it and once more sent him off, a note fastened to his collar. Even if he had not, Flash would soon have slipped away.

The following morning he reappeared at the camp at daylight and his training was resumed. After the first experience on the previous day he had tracked Vermont no less than half a dozen additional times; enough so that he was heartily tired of it. This mode of traveling at the end of a leash bored him exceedingly.

The second day was spent in the same way as the first except that they tracked many different men. He had now learned what Moran desired and on each new trail he increased the amount of