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scatter in some distant spot Brent would follow with the girl. If they made a move to leave before help came it would be far better to scatter them here.

They were growing restless. Nash and Brent were long overdue. It was evident that they would soon start without them. Seely yawned and stretched. He spoke of Harte and wondered why he had never returned. They did not know of the double killing at the cabin. Their words were conclusive proof that they had not even known of its existence until Nash had described its location to Harte. They did not know of Kinney’s arrival or that Moran had not been staying there of late. Nash had undoubtedly taken it for granted that conditions there would be the same; that Brent would find Moran and Betty there alone.

Siggens, Fox Jarrat and Cole rose to their feet. Their impatience was reflected a thousandfold in Moran. The men moved restlessly about the fire. Hanlin paced back and forth.

“Oh, hell! Let’s go!” he said. “Brent will know where to look for us.”

Kinney had risen to his knees. The branches which had shielded them in such friendly fashion