Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/269

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Moran slipped toward the mouth of the canyon, keeping close to the wall. He reached it safely and mounted the first Bar T horse he found. One of his own friends emptied his gun at him as he clattered across the rock bar. He headed the horse down the trail and urged him on. His one idea was to get to the cabin with all possible speed. For the first time he thought of Flash. If he found him at the cabin he could put him on Brent’s trail. Then suddenly he had the one single comforting thought which had come to him since hearing of Nash’s devilish plans.

When he recalled having dispatched Flash to her at dusk he fervently blessed the inspiration which had led him to train Flash in this work of carrying messages. If Flash reached the cabin and found her gone he would take her trail. Moran knew his terrible fighting qualities when aroused. If he suspected that Brent meant to harm her there would be a savage fight and she might escape under cover of his attack. If only he learned this in time—discerned the man’s intentions before Brent had time to see him and use his gun.

The horse which Moran rode stumbled under him, recovered his balance and staggered on.