Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/59

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There was something in her voice when she spoke his name that brought a thrill which was only second to his love for Moran. He waited until almost dawn, hoping that she would wake again.

Then he grew nervous—Moran would soon be awake and waiting for him to bring the horses into camp.

Half an hour before the first streak of light showed in the east, he slipped away under the trees, stopped and looked back, then started for Moran. There was a crisp cool in the air. As he crossed the open places the tail grass was coated white with frost and bent stiffly under his feet.

He had never been away from Moran for so long a time and once free of the spell of the girl his desire to get back to him and see that all was well amounted to almost a panic and he covered the miles with all his speed.

He found Moran already up and lighting a fire.

“Where are the horses, Flash?” Moran greeted. “Go get ’em, boy. Go bring ’em in.” He waved his arm toward a meadow below. “We’re going to make an early start to-day. It’s back to the flats for us, Flash. Do you want to go back?”