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of feeling new strength they were sluggish and lethargic. Ten miles from the steer they sought a knoll and bedded down, each pair choosing quarters of their own a few yards from the rest.

As Flash slept, his dreams dwelt upon a far off speck on his back track which developed into a horseman on his trail. The horse changed color continuously—first a sorrel and then a tireless buckskin was pressing him. When some nearby wolf clashed his teeth together in his sleep it was a pistol shot to Flash, and he was instantly on his feet, the new found snarl rumbling in his throat.

He nosed Silver into wakefulness and started off. It was agony for her to travel but she would not be left behind by this magnificent new mate of hers. She followed, and daylight found them resting far up the slope of the hills on a ledge that overlooked the valley.

Flash made out little specks which he knew to be horsemen riding at two mile intervals along the base of the slope. Out across the valley as far as his telescopic eyes could reach, the tiny specks were moving swiftly across the white snow. The reports of irregular, rapid fire shooting drifted up to him through the thin, clear air.

No ranchman on the Little Bighorn had need