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Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/17

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Which (seene to both) away PhysignathusDiu'd to his deepes; as no way consciousOf whom, he left to perish in his lake;But shunn'd blacke fate himselfe; and let him takeThe blackest of it: who amids the FennSwumme with his brest vp; hands held vp in vaine,Cried Peepe, and perisht: sunke the waters oft,And often with his sprawlings, came aloft;Yet no way kept downe deaths relentlesse force:But (full of water) made an heauie Corse.Before he perisht yet, he threatned thus;Thou lurk'st not yet from heauen (Physignathus)Though yet thou hid'st here, that hast cast from thee(As from a Rocke,) the shipwrackt life of mee.Though thou thy selfe, no better was than I(O worst of things) at any facultie;Wrastling or race: but for thy perfidieIn this my wracke; Ioue beares a wreakefull eie:And to the Hoast of Mise, thou paines shalt payPast all euasion. This, his life let say,And left him to the waters. Him beheld,[1]Lichopinax; plac't in the pleasing fielde:Who shrick't extremely; ranne and told the Mise;Who, hauing heard his watry destinies;Pernicious anger pierst the hearts of all;And then their Heralds, forth they sent to callA councell early, at Troxartes house,Sad father of this fatall shipwrack't Mouse:

  1. Lick-dish.