Then Ioue calld all Gods, in his flaming Throne And shewd all, all this preparation For resolute warre. These able soldiers, Many, and great; all shaking lengthfull spe'res: In shew like Centaures; or the Gyants Host. When (sweethe smiling,) he enquir'd who, most Of all th'Immortalls, pleas'd to adde their aide To Froggs or Mise: and thus to Pallas said;O daughter? Must not you, needs aid these Mise? That with the Odors, and meate sacrifice Vs'd in your Temple, endlesse triumphs make; And serue you, for your sacred victles sake?Pallas repli'd; O Father, neuer I Will aid the Mise, in anie miserie. So many mischiefes by them, I haue found;[1]Eating the Cotten, that my distaffs crown'd; My lamps still banting, to deuoure the oyle. But that which most my minde eates, is their spoile Made of a veile, that me in much did stand: On which, bestowing an elaborate hand; A fine woofe working; of as pure a thredd; Such holes therein, their Petulancies fed; That, putting it to darning; when't'was done; The darner, a most deare paie stood vpon For his so deare paines; laid downe instantlie;[2]Or (to forbeare) exacted vsurie. So, borrowing from my Phane, the weed I woue; I can by no meanes, th'vsurous darner, moue