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Or Peparethus, bordring on the sea.Ægas; or Athos, that doth Thrace diuideAnd Macedon. Or Pelion, with the prideOf his high forehead. Or the Samian Ile;That likewise lies neare Thrace; or Scyrus soile;Ida's steepe tops. Or all that Phocis fill:Or Autocanes, with the heauen-high hill:Or populous Imber: Lemnos without Ports;Or Lesbos, fit for the diuine resorts;And sacred soile of blest Æolion.Or Chius that exceeds comparisonFor fruitfulnes: with all the Iles that lieEmbrac't with seas. Mimas, with rocks so hie.Or Loftie-crownd Corycius; or the brightCharos: or Æsagæus dazeling height:Or waterie Samos, Mycale, that bearesHer browes euen with the circles of the spheares.Miletus; Cous; That the Citie isOf voice-diuided-choice humanities.High Cnidus; Carpathus, still strooke with winde.Naxus, and Paros; and the rockie-min'dRugged Rhenæa. Yet through all these parts,Latona, great-growne, with the King of darts,Trauailde; and tried, If any would becomeTo her deare birth, an hospitable home.All which, extremely trembled (shooke with feare)Nor durst endure, so high a birth to beare,In their free States: though, for it, they became