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The year 1906 is further memorable in the annals of the Dalston Synagogue by the complete renovation to which it was subjected, and the installation of electric light throughout the building. The improvements have made it one of the handsomest among the constituent Synagogues of the Union.

In 1908, the Congregation suffered the loss, by resignation, of the services of Mr. B. Loewenstein, as Warden. He had filled his important position with rare dignity and grace. He was succeeded as Warden by Mr. Ludwig Felsenstein, an old member of the Board, and a representative at the Council.

North London Board of Guardians Aid Society.—Acting upon a suggestion of Mr. Albert A. Felsenstein, a Board of Guardians Aid Society was founded in this year. In view of the approaching Jubilee of the Board of Guardians, an appeal was made to the community for increased support. Mr. Felsenstein suggested that a new source of income might be tapped by enlisting the services of the youths and young ladies of the Congregations to assist in the collections. The Society was established with the active support of the Board of Management. Mr. Oscar Selinger was its first President, Miss Alice Schwersee and Mr. I. Goldston, its Chairmen; Mr. A. A. Felsenstein, its Treasurer; and Misses B. Goodman and Veronica Josephs, Hon. Secretaries. Limiting the subscriptions to an almost irreducible amount, and indefinitely extending the membership of the Canvassing Committee, very considerable sums are yearly accumulated for the benefit of the Board. About £100 was collected in the first year of the Aid Society's existence. In May, 1909, Dalston took active part in the launching of another movement the North London Branch of the Jewish Lifeboat League. The lead in this movement was given by Mr. A. Posener, who had the active support of Mr. A. Lewis. Mr. Posener was its first Chairman, Mrs. I. Goldston its Hon. Secretary, and the Rev. W. Levin its Treasurer. On Mr. Posener vacating his position in 1910, he was succeeded by Mr. I. Goldston.

The year 1910 is noteworthy for an important development which was made in the educational work of the Congregation. In conjunction with the Stoke Newington Synagogue, which under the direction of its energetic Minister, the Rev. H. Cohen, had already led the way in regard to this movement, Continuation Classes were established for the benefit of the growing boys and girls who had left school and entered upon the serious work of life. The classes are held indiscriminately in the schoolrooms of both Synagogues, and besides being centres of instruction for the young, are pledges of the continued growth of the good relations which have invariably existed between the sister Congregations. The Hon. Officers are Mr. L. Felsenstein, Chairman; Mr. J. Jacobs, Treasurer, and Mr. I. Goldston, Hon. Sec.

The removal of Mr. Drukker from the neighbourhood, and his consequent resignation, deprived the Congregation this year of a most zealous and devoted custodian of its purse. His eminent services to the Synagogue, extending over the unusually long period of sixteen years, had earned the keen appreciation of the seat-holders, to which adequate expression was given at the General Meeting held on May 29th, 1910. His place as Financial Representative has since been capably filled by Mr. Isaac Landau.