Page:The Decameron of the West (1839).djvu/168

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but salt and bread. “Yet my beloved mother,” said Meta, “salt and bread, where there is contentment and affection, are better than all the delicacies that load the table of the ‘King of Hops’ without them.”

It was now the earnest desire of our hero to place himself in a situation which might entitle him to make audible his hitherto mute love. Accordingly, he searched diligently his late father’s books of trade, and found, on investigation, that many sums of money were due to him by persons residing in Antwerp. He immediately set out on a journey thither, for the recovery of these debts. But who so unwelcome as one who demands money? Father Melchior had been some time dead, and no one in Antwerp would acknowledge the validity of his son’s claims. Instead of receiving debts due to his parent, the unfortunate young man was soon thrown into prison, by those whose debtor he was forced to become, on account of his maintenance while in Antwerp. In prison and disconsolate, he longed for death. At last he was liberated, and, in a melancholy mood, he returned to his native city. He made inquiry regarding the lovely Meta, but determined not to see her unless brighter prospects