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Page:The Depths of the Sea - Wyville - 1873.djvu/26

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20. ,/Ega nasuta, Norman. Slightly enlarged. (No. 55) 127 21. Arcturus baffini, Sabine. About the natural size. (No. 59) 128 22. Nymphon abyssorum, Norman. Slightly enlarged. (No. 56) 129 23. Thecophora semisuberites, Oscar Schmidt. Twice the natural size. (No. 76) 147 24. Thecophora ibla (sp. n.). Twice the natural size. (No. 76) 148 25. Archaster vexillifer (sp. n.). One-third the natural size. (No. 76) 150 26. Zoroaster fulgens (sp. n.). One-third the natural size. (No. 78) 153 27. Calveria hystrix (sp. n.). Two-thirds the natural size. (No. 86) 156 28. Calvjeria hystrix (sp. n.). Inner surface of a portion of the test showing the structure of the ambulacral and interambu- lacral areas 157 29. Calveria fenestrata (sp. a.). One of the four-valved pedi- cellarios 159 30. Lophohelia prolifera, Pallas (sp.). Three-fourths the natural size. (No. 26) !. ... ".'. 169 31. Allopora oculina, Ehrenberg 170 32. Ophiomusium lymani (sp. n.). Dorsal surface. Natural size. (No. 45) 172 33. Ophiomusium lymani (sp. n.). Oral surface 173 34. Dorynchus thomsoni, Norman. Once and a half the natural size ; everywhere in deep water 174 35. Amathia carpenteri, Norman. Once and a half the natural size. (No. 47) 175 36. Chrondrocladia virgata (sp. n.). One-half the natural size. (No. 33,P1. Y.) 187 37. The ' Cup-lead ' 210 38 ) ( 211 ' > Brooke's Deep-Sea Sounding Apparatus ^ 40. The ' Bull-Dog ' Sounding Machine 215, 41. The 'Fitzgerald' Sounding Machine 217 42. The 'Hydra' Sounding Machine 218 43. ' Massey's ' Sounding Machine 225 44. Otho Frederick Mfller's Dredge, a.d. 1750 239 4"). 'Ball's Dredge' 240 46. The Stern Derrick of the ' Porcupine,' showing the ' Accumulator,' the Dredge, and the Mode of stowing the Bope 248 The End of the Dredge-frame 250