portion Messrs Maudslay, Sons & Field afforded valuable information, with drawings of past and present marine engines.
To Lord Brassey my thanks are due for permitting me to reproduce some of the illustrations in Volume I. of his British Navy. Sir William Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. placed at my disposal several interesting pictures connected with the vessels and armament constructed at Elswick.
I desire also to thank the Proprietors of the Engineer for allowing me to utilise matter which has appeared in the pages of that journal.
Messrs Thornycroft, Yarrow, J. & G. Thomson, and Mr Mackrow of the Thames Iron Works and Shipbuilding Company, have most liberally aided my efforts.
Many of the illustrations are from photographs taken by Mr West of Southsea, whose skill in marine photography is well known.
In dealing with the navy prior to the general adoption of steam propulsion, I have received