Page:The Dial (Volume 63).djvu/9

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Abbot, G. F. Turkey, Greece, and the Great Powers 164

Abbott, Grace. The Immigrant and the Community 205

Adams, Franklin P. Weights and Measures 528

Anderson, Sherwood. Marching Men 274

Anesaki, Masaharu. Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet 411

Apukhtin, A. From Death to Life 282

Archer, William, Compiled by. Gems (?) of German Thought 263

Arndt, Walter Tallmadge. The Emancipation of the

American City 276

Atherton, Gertrude. The Living Present 166

Atlantic Classics, The 219

Austin, Mary. The Ford 112

Bacon, Charles W., and Franklyn S. Morse. The American Plan of Government 155

Bailey, Wm. F. The Slavs of the War Zone 199

Bain, F. W. The Livery of Eve 163

Bainville, Jacques. Italy and the War 15

Bang, T. P., A documentation by. Hurrah and Hallelujah. The Teaching of Germany's Poets, Prophets, and Preachers 263

Barbusse, Henri. Under Fire 455

Barlow, Jane. Irish Idylls 459

Barnes, R. Gorell. Days of Destiny 645

Barren, C. W. The Mexican Problem 400

Batten, L. W. The Relief of Pain by Mental Suggestion 352

Beer, George Louis. The English-Speaking Peoples 520

Benavente, Jacinto. Plays by Jacinto Benavente 393

Bennett, Arnold. Books and Persons 523

Benson, Stella. This Is the End 117

Berenson, Bernhard. The Study and Criticism of Italian Art (Third Series) 447

Bizzell, William Bennett. The Social Teachings of the Jewish Prophets 534

Blackwood, Algernon. Day and Night Stories 632

Blanchard, Ralph H. Liability and Compensation Insurance 534

Bogardus, Emory S. Introduction to Sociology 596

Bolton, Herbert E. Pacific Ocean in History 646

Boreham, F. W. The Other Side of the Hill 466

Bostwick, Arthur E. The American Public Library 468

Bottome, Phyllis. The Derelict 73

Bottome, Phyllis. The Second Fiddle 463

Bourne, Randolph. Education and Living 156

Bradford, Gamaliel. A Naturalist of Souls 459

Bradley, William Aspenwall. Old Christmas and Other Kentucky Tales in Verse 453

Brady, Cyrus Townsend. When the Sun Stool Still 74

Bragdon, Claude, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas Hastings, and. Six Lectures on Architecture (Scammon Lectures, 1915) 110

Brailsford, Henry Noel. A League of Nations 198

Braithwaite, William Stanley. The Poetic Year for 1916.

A Critical Anthology 202

Brandes, Georg. The World at War 15

Bronner, Augusta F. The Psychology of Special Abilities and Disabilities 411

Brooks, Alden. The Fighting Men 282

Brown, Alice. Bromley Neighborhood 280

Brown, George Rothwell. My Country 220

Brubaker, Howard. Ranny 354

Bryan, William Jennings. Heart to Heart Appeals 445

Bullitt, Ernesta Drinker. An Uncensored Diary 29

Billow, Prince. Imperial Germany 15

Burbank, Emily. Woman as Decoration 530

Burgess, Gelett. Mrs. Hope's Husband 282

Burke, Thomas. Limehouse Nights: Tales of Chinatown 65

Burke, Thomas. Nights in Town: A London Autobiography 65

Butler, Ellis Parker. Dominie Dean 74

Butler, Samuel. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler 106

Byrne, Arthur, and Mildred Stapley. Spanish Architecture of the Sixteenth Century 17

Cable, Boyd. Grapes of Wrath 219

Cade, Coulson T. Dandelions 403

Caffin, Charles Henry. How to Study Architecture 527

Cahan, Abraham. The Rise of David Levinsky 521

Cambridge History of American Literature 646

Campbell, R. J. A Spiritual Pilgrimage 640

Canfield, Dorothy. Understood Betsy 403

Carnovale, Luigi. Why Italy Entered into the Great War 212


Carnoy, Albert J. The Mythology of All Races. Vol. VI: Iranian 158

Carr, J. Comyns. The Ideals of Painting 116

Carroll, Dixie. Lake and Stream Game Fishing 408

Channing, Edward. A History of the United States. Vol. IV. The Federalists and Republicans 60

Chapman, Arthur. Out Where the West Begins 18

Chevrillon, Andre. England and the War 63

Cholniondeley, Alice. Christine 220

Cleghorn, Sarah N. Portraits and Protests 525

Goad, Oral Sumner. William Dunlap 461

Coan, C. Arthur. The Fragrant Note Book 167

Cocke, Sarah Johnston. The Master of the Hills 163

Cohen, Israel. The Ruhleben Prison Camp 68

Coit, Stanton. Is Civilization a Disease? 445

Coleman, Frederic. With Cavalry in the Great War 689

Cooper, James A. Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper 354

Corwin, Edward H. Lewinski-. See Lewinski-Corwin.

Couch, Sir Arthur Quiller-. See Quiller-Couch.

Coulevain, Pierre de. The Unknown Isle 532

Coxwell, C. Fillingham. Through Russia in War Time.. 276

Cram, Mildred. Old Seaport Towns of the South 692

Cram, Ralph Adams. The Substance of Gothic 617

Cram, Ralph Adams, Thomas Hastings, and Claude Bragdon. Six Lectures on Architecture (Scammon Lectures, 1915) 110

Cravath, Paul D. Great Britain's Part 212

Crocker, Bos worth. The Last Straw 586

Cromer, Earl of, and Others. After- War Problems 391

Curie, Richard. The Echo of Voices 353

Curtin, D. Thomas. The Land of the Deepening Shadow 15

Dalrymple, Leona. Kenny 281

Dampierre, Jacques Marquis de. German Imperialism and International Law 214

Davies, George R. Social Environment 72

Destree, Jules. Britain in Arms (L'Effort Britannique) 594

Dixon, Royal, and Franklyn E. Fitch. The Human Side of Trees 637

Dorsey, George A. Young Low 163

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Eternal Husband 24

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. A History of the Great War. Vol. II. The British Campaign in France and Flanders, 1915 692

Duncan, Frances. The Joyous Art of Gardening 68

Durant, Will. Philosophy and the Social Problem 449

Eaton, Walter Pritchard. Plays and Players: Leaves from a Critic's Scrapbook 115

Eekhoud, Georges. The New Carthage 343

Eliot, T. S. Prufrock and Other Observations 453

Elliot, Hugh. Herbert Spencer 146

Elliott, Francis Perry. Lend Me Your Name! 74

Elliott, L. G. Brazil Today and Tomorrow 278

Ellwood, Charles A. An Introduction to Social Psychology 167

Emerson, Edward Waldo. Henry Thoreau as Remembered by a Young Friend 401

Empey, Arthur Guy. Over the Top 114

Empty House, The 112

Erskine, John. The Shadowed Hour 453

Evans, A. H. Birds of Britain Their Distribution and Habits 398

Exile X. Saint Seductre 281

Ex-Mill-Girl, An. Helen of Four Gates 211

Fabre, J. Henri. The Life of a Grasshopper 214

Faris, John T. Old Roads out of Philadelphia 528

Farrere, Claude. The Man Who Killed 597

Fenollosa, Ernest, and Ezra Pound. "Noh," or Accomplishment: A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan 209

Ferber, Edna. Fanny Herself 463

Ferenczi, Andrew S. Contributions to Psychoanalysis 411

Fernau, Hermann. The Coming Democracy 515

Ferri, Enrico. Criminal Sociologist 338

Ficke, Arthur Davison. An April Elegy 339

Field, Louise Maunsell. The Little Gods Laugh 354

Figgis, John Neville. The Will to Freedom 389

Finck, Henry T. Richard Strauss, the Man and His Works 584

Fisher, Benjamin. Francis Thompson Essays 409

Fisher, Mary. The Treloars 463

Fitzmaurice, George. Five Plays 208

Flandrau, Grace Hodgson. Cousin Julia 353