Rubens, Adoration of Magi, by, 53
Assembly of Saints, by, 51
Crucifixion, by, 52
Descent from the Cross, by, 52, 53
Martyrdom of St. Peter, by, 78
St. George, etc., by, 51
St. Roch and the Plague-stricken, by, 39
Visitation, by, 53
Rushton, Robert, 31, 152
Ryan, Major, 130
Saint Aubyn, Sir John, 140, 151
Tillotson, 140, 151
Saint Gothard, Mount, 158, 159
Saladin, Alexis, 144
Auguste, 144, 146
Charles, 142, 144
Madlle., 144, 147
Mathilde, 144
of Vaugeron, 134-136, 139, 143
Saladins of Maligny, 140, 145
Saporati, Marchese, 134, 149
Saussure, Nicholas T., 139, 145
Scala, Teatro della, 169, 171, 174
Scheldt, the, 46
Schlegel, August W. von, 137, 139, 146
Scott, Sir Walter, 70
Sécheron, 99, 100, 103
Severn, Joseph, 181
Sgricci, 183-186
Artemisia, by, 184
Eteocle e Polinice, by, 184
Ettore, by, 185, 186
Shakespear, 147, 148
Shelley, Harriet, 109, 128, 130
Mary, 12, 23, 99-102, 106-108, 110, 113, 116, 118, 123-128, 133-135, 209, 219
Frankenstein, by, 19, 125, 126
Memoir of Alfieri, by, 219, 220
Percy B., 1, 3, 98-102, 104, 106-110, 112-118, 120-133, 135, 136, 138, 185, 186, 204
Epipsychidion, by, 206
Poetical Essay, etc., by, 110
Queen Mab, by, 107
Zastrozzi, by, 109
William, 116
Sherwood and Neely, 16, 22
Simplon, the, 163
Slaney, Mr., 149
Mrs., 122, 140, 149
Soane, John, 81, 212
Mrs., 212
Somers, Mr., 141, 150, 204
Staël, Madame de, 137, 139, 146, 152, 216
Swarrow, 172, 173, 183, 188
Tasso, 116, 119
Teniers, David, 40
Temptation of St. Anthony, by, 40
Thun, 154, 155
Lake of, 154
Tintoretto, 79
Toffettheim, 143
Toffettheim, Madame, 139, 143
Traveller, The (magazine), 4
Trevanion, Mr., 140