Page:The Dictionary of Australasian Biography.djvu/390

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4th, 1885, and Commissioner of Crown Lands from Feb. 4th to June 16th, 1885. He took a prominent part in defeating the Downer Government, and was Premier and Treasurer from June 11th, 1887, to 27th June, 1889, during which time he carried the first protective tariff. Mr. Playford was one of the first two South Australian delegates to the Federal Council of Australasia, and presided over the deliberations of the third session, held at Hobart Jan. to Feb. 1889. He was Dr. Cockburn's colleague in the representation of South Australia at the Federal Conference held in Melbourne in Feb. 1889, and was again selected to represent the colony as one of the delegates to the Federal Convention in 1891. He was ejected from office in June 1889, but returned to power as Premier and Treasurer in August 1890. In Jan. 1892, having taken the portfolio of Lands instead of the Treasury, he paid a visit to India, with the view of ascertaining the suitability of coolie labour for employment in the tropical regions of the Northern Territory. Soon after his return the Ministry were defeated on a motion of want of confidence moved by Mr. Holder, and he resigned in June 1892. Mr. Playford married in 1860 Mary Jane, daughter of Rev. William Kinsman.

Plunkett, Hon. John Hubert, M.L.C., Q.C., was born at Mount Plunkett, co. Roscommon, in 1802, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was called to the English Bar, and, being appointed Solicitor-General of New South Wales, arrived in that colony in June 1832. Five years later he succeeded Mr. Kinchela as Attorney-General, with a seat in the Executive and Legislative Councils, and held the post till responsible government was inaugurated, in 1856. Whilst Government law-officer he conducted the prosecution of ten Europeans for the wanton massacre of a number of aboriginal men, women and children, and secured their conviction, seven of them being hanged—an event which created a great sensation, owing to the lax views then prevalent regarding the killing of natives. At the first election under responsible government Mr. Plunkett was returned to the Legislative Assembly for the district of Argyle, but resigned his seat the next year, when he was nominated to the Legislative Council, and acted as its President from Jan. 1857 to Feb. 1858. In the meantime he had been appointed President of the Board of Education, charged with the duty of carrying out the national system of public instruction then favoured. Owing to a dispute with Mr. Cowper, the then Premier, in connection with the action of the Board in issuing regulations for bringing non-vested as well as vested schools within the scope of their operations, his services were dispensed with under circumstances of great personal acrimony, in Feb. 1858. He thereupon resigned all his other appointments, including his membership of the Council, his presidency of that body, and his commission as a justice of the peace. The matter was brought under the notice of the Assembly, and resolutions were carried expressing regret at his removal and the high sense entertained of his public services. Ultimately the Government consented to his reinstatement, provided he withdrew a portion of his correspondence, which they regarded as personally offensive. He did not, however, resume his position as President of the Upper House, in which Sir W. W. Burton had succeeded him. From Oct. 1863 to Feb. 1865 Mr. Plunkett represented the Martin Government in the Legislative Council as a Minister without portfolio. He died in Melbourne on May 9th, 1869, and was buried in Sydney six days later.

Pohlman, His Honour Robert Williams, county court judge, Victoria, was born in London in 1811, and was called to the English Bar. In 1840 he arrived in Port Phillip, Vict., and in the next year was admitted to practise at the local Bar. When Victoria was separated from New South Wales, Mr. Pohlman was gazetted (July 1851) Master in Equity; and in Nov. following was nominated a member of the partially elective Legislative Council, then the single Parliamentary chamber. He acted as chairman of the Board of Education, and was the first county court judge appointed in Victoria. When responsible government was introduced in 1856 he retired from political life, and devoted himself to his judicial duties. He died on Dec. 6th, 1877, aged 66 years.

Polding, Most Rev. John Bede, D.D., first Roman Catholic Archbishop of