LL.B. In 1876 Sir Redmond visited America as one of the Victorian Commission to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. He died in Melbourne on Nov. 23rd, 1880.
Barton, Hon. Edmund, M.L.A., Q.C., M.A., Attorney-General New South Wales, is a native of New South Wales, and was born at the Glebe, Sydney, on Jan. 18th, 1849. He was educated at the Sydney Grammar School, and matriculated at the university at the age of sixteen, receiving a special prize from the Senate for proficiency in classics. During the second and third years of his university course he held successively the Lithgow and Cooper scholarships, and graduated in 1868 with first class classical honours, and the university prize of £25. In 1870 he took his M.A. degree at Sydney University, and is a member of the Senate of that body. He was called to the colonial bar in 1871. He contested the seat in the Assembly given to the university in 1877 against Mr. (now Sir William) Windeyer, but was defeated by six votes. Practising his profession, he was a Crown Prosecutor till 1879, when Mr. Windeyer retired, and he again contested the seat for the university, beating Dr. Renwick by a large majority. Subsequently Mr. Barton represented Wellington in the Legislative Assembly, and was Speaker of the Lower House from Jan. 1883 to Jan. 1887. In the following February he was nominated to the Legislative Council, and from Jan. to March 1889 held a seat in the Dibbs Ministry as Attorney-General and representative of the Government in the Upper House. Mr. Barton, who is a Q.C., announced his adhesion to protectionist views in 1889. He was one of the representatives of New South Wales at the Federation Convention held in Sydney in March 1891. Mr. Barton is a strong supporter of the Commonwealth Bill, which he assisted Sir Samuel Griffith in drafting, and regards Protection in New South Wales as occupying a secondary place to intercolonial federation. In 1891 Mr. Barton resigned his seat in the Legislative Council, and was returned to the Assembly for East Sydney. On the formation of the Dibbs Ministry in Oct. 1801, Mr. Barton accepted the office of Attorney-General, and was acting Premier during the absence of Mr. Dibbs in England from May to Sept. 1892.
Barton, George Burnett, second son of William Barton of Sydney, New South Wales, and brother of the above, entered as a student at the Middle Temple in April 1857, and was called to the bar in Nov. 1860. He subsequently practised his profession at Dunedin, New Zealand, and was editor of the New Zealand Jurist, and author of "Practical Statistics of New Zealand." He subsequently took up his residence in Sydney, and published "Literature in New South Wales" (1866), "Poets and Prose Writers of New South Wales" (1868). He was engaged by the Government of New South Wales to compile the official history of that colony; but after seeing one volume through the press, and preparing a portion of the second, the engagement was cancelled, and the completion of the work entrusted to Mr. A. Britton (q.v.).
Basedow, Martin Peter Friedrich, M.P., J.P., is a native of Hanover, Germany. He is identified with the Zeitung, a German newspaper published in South Australia, and has represented Barossa in the Assembly since 1876. He was Minister of Education in the Morgan Ministry from March to June 1881.
Bates, Hon. William, was born at Uxbridge, in Middlesex, and emigrated to South Australia in 1850. In 1852 the gold discoveries tempted him to Victoria, where he went into business at Sandhurst, and after four years' successful trading, removed to Melbourne, where he had a prosperous career as a general merchant. In 1868 he was returned to the Assembly for Collingwood as a supporter of the Darling Grant, defeating no less a candidate than the Hon. James Service. He was Minister of Public Works in the McCulloch Government from April 1870 to June 1871, but did not re-enter Parliament after 1874. Mr. Bates was a prominent member of the Congregationalist body, and was Treasurer of the Jubilee Fund which was raised a few years ago to celebrate the jubilee of the establishment of the first church of the denomination in Victoria. That movement was so successful that close upon £48,000 was raised, and the denomination was able to pay off the debts on all its churches in the colony. Mr. Bates died at Fitzroy, Melbourne, on Jan. 12th, 1891, at the age of sixty-five.