Page:The Dictionary of Australasian Biography.djvu/538

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"Geological Observations in South Australia," "History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia," "Geology of Portland," "Not quite so old as the Hills," "North Australia and its Physical Geography," "A Geography for Catholic Schools," "A Grammar for Catholic Schools," "Australian Essays," and "Australian Bibliography." Mr. Woods, who latterly resided in Sydney, was for some time the editor of two Roman Catholic publications, the Southern Cross and the Chaplet. His contributions to the pages of scientific journals and the proceedings of learned societies were very numerous and valuable. He furnished geological plans and sections to the Government engineers of South Australia for the railway to Victoria, when first projected. He was President of the Linnæan Society of New South Wales, and died on Oct. 7th, 1889.

Woolley, Rev. John, D.C.L. Oxon., was the son of George Woolley, M.D., of London, and Charlotte his wife, daughter of W. Gall, of Lewes, Sussex. He was born at Petersfield, Hampshire, on Feb. 28th, 1816, and entered the London University in 1830, after completing his school studies. Here he passed through the curriculum with extraordinary success, and won a first prize in logic. Proceeding to Oxford in 1832, he gained an open scholarship at Exeter College, and wrote a small work on logic. At Oxford he became the friend of Dean Stanley, who was a contemporary Fellow of University College. In 1842 he was appointed head-master of King Edward VI.'s Grammar School at Hereford, and in July 1842 he married Mary Margaret, daughter of Major Turner, of the 13th Light Dragoons. He was afterwards elected head-master of the Northern Church of England School at Rossall, Lancashire; and in 1846 he was appointed head of the University at Corfu. The Greek priests petitioning against the appointment of an English clergyman, he resigned, and was succeeded by Sir George Bowen. In 1849 he was head-master of Norwich Grammar School, and in Jan. 1852 he was appointed principal of the Sydney University. Arriving in the colony in June 1852, he discharged the additional duties of Professor of Classics and Logic in the University until 1865, when he visited England. Whilst on his return passage he was lost in the London, which foundered in the Bay of Biscay, meeting death with calmness and courage. On Jan. 11th, 1866, £2000 was raised by subscription as a tribute of respect to his memory, and presented to his widow. Dr. Woolley delivered the inaugural oration at the opening of the Sydney University in August 1852, and was one of the original masters of the Sydney Grammar School, to the organisation of which he devoted much time and labour. He was also the first to propound a scheme, which since his death has been developed for connecting the primary schools of the colony with the University.

Woolls, Rev. William, Ph.D., F.L.S., the nineteenth child of Edward Woolls, merchant,of Winchester, Hampshire, England, was born in that city in March 1814. He was educated at the Grammar School, Bishop's Waltham, and, having failed to obtain a cadetship in the East India Company's service, he decided, in 1831, to emigrate to Australia. Prior to this he had published some occasional verses, and on his voyage be composed a poem on "The Voyage to New South Wales." Landing in Sydney, he obtained an appointment at the King's School, Parramatta, in 1832, and later on published a poem called "Australia," and a volume of "Miscellanies." He afterwards became classical master at the old Sydney College, under Mr. Cape. After leaving the college, he established a school of his own at Parramatta, which he carried on until 1865. In the meantime he contributed voluminously to the local press, devoting himself latterly to the study of botany, his main work—"A Contribution to the Flora of Australia"—becoming well known in the scientific world. His paper on "Introduced Plants," communicated to the Linnæan Society, was well received, and won him the fellowship of that learned body. His "Species Plantarum Parramattensium," was reprinted by the authorities of the University of Gottingen, who conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and Master of Liberal Arts. He wrote a short "Life and Character of Samuel Marsden." In 1873 Dr. Woolls took orders in the Church of England, and was appointed to the incumbency of Richmond, and subsequently became rural dean.

Wragge, Clement Lindley, F.R.G.S,