colony. Mr. Blackett is now Consulting Engineer of the Government of New Zealand in London.
Blackmore, Edwin Gordon, Clerk of the Legislative Council and Clerk of Parliaments, South Australia, was educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Bath; served with the Taranaki Rifle Volunteers in the New Zealand war from 1863 to 1864, and was present, in reserve, at the action of Poutoko, on Oct. 2nd, 1863, and at the storming and capture of the rebel Maori strongholds at Ahuahu and Kaitake in March 1864. For these services Mr. Blackmore received the New Zealand medal. He was appointed Parliamentary Librarian to the Legislature of South Australia in Oct. 1864; Clerk Assistant and Sergeant-at-arms, House of Assembly, in Dec. 1869; Clerk of the House of Assembly in May 1886; Clerk of the Legislative Council and Clerk of Parliaments in May 1887. Mr. Blackmore is author of "The Decisions of Mr. Speaker Denison on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the General Practice of the House of Commons from 1857 to 1872," "The Decisions of Mr. Speaker Brand from 1872 to 1884," "The Decisions of Mr. Speaker Peel from 1884 to 1886, and 1887 to 1889," and "Manual of the Practice, Procedure, and Usage of the House of Assembly of South Australia."
Blackmore, James Newnham, J.P., brother of the foregoing, was born in 1836, and was employed in the South Australian Chief Secretary's office from 1854 to 1857, when he was appointed Assistant Clerk and Sergeant-at-arms in the House of Assembly. Nine years later he became Secretary to the Commissioner for Crown Lands, and in 1870 Under Treasurer, a post which he held till his death, which took place in Adelaide on April 7th, 1875.
Blair, David, was born in 1820, and came to New South Wales at the instigation of Dr. Lang, in 1850, where he assisted Mr. (now Sir) Henry Parkes in establishing the Empire newspaper in Sydney. In 1852 Mr. Blair settled in Victoria as correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald, and became sub-editor of the Melbourne Argus. In 1854 he was appointed editor of the Age, and advocated the cause of the miners in their opposition to the unpopular digging licences. Mr. Blair was elected to the Assembly for Talbot in 1856, and for Crowlands in 1868. In 1867 he was appointed Secretary to the Royal Commission on Education, and acted in the same capacity to the Penal Commission in 1873. He wrote the first history of Australia in 1878, and in 1881 compiled the "Cyclopaedia of Australasia," a work which displays a minute and comprehensive knowledge of persons and events connected with the pioneer days of the colonies. In 1876 he edited the speeches of Sir Henry Parkes, which he prefaced with an introduction.
Blair, William Newsham, M.Inst.C.E., was in the service of the Provincial Government of Otago from 1864 to 1865; became district engineer in the Public Works Department of New Zealand in 1871, Engineer-in-charge of the Middle Island in 1878, and Assistant Engineer-in-Chief for the colony in 1884. In 1890 Mr. Blair was appointed Engineer-in-chief, and died on May 4th, 1891.
Blakeney, William Theophilus, Registrar-General of Queensland, comes of an Anglo-Irish family long settled at Abbert Castle, Blakeney, co. Galway, and was educated at the Collegiate School, Elphin, co. Roscommon, and at Stackpool's High School at Kingstown. He emigrated to Sydney in 1853, and was engaged in mercantile pursuits until Feb. 1856, when he received an appointment in the sheriff's office, which he exchanged in 1860 for a similar position in the sheriff's office of the then new colony of Queensland. He was appointed Under Sheriff of Queensland in 1862, Deputy Registrar-General in 1865, and Registrar-General upon the retirement of Mr. Jordan in 1883. Mr. Blakeney is also a Commissioner of Stamp Duties, and Registrar of Friendly Societies, Building Societies, and Trades Unions. He was Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks from 1883 to 1889, when he resigned.
Bland, Rivett Henry, is the son of Dr. Thomas Bland, and was born at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on Feb. 2nd, 1811. He was educated at the Grammar School, Newark, and studied for the medical profession at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Leaving England in May 1829, for Western Australia, he arrived in August, and after a short interval was appointed by the then Governor (Sir James Stirling) to settle the York dis-