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Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/218

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of a new World

words, where 'tis said[1], that the blood went out of the Wine-presse, even unto the horses bridles by the space of one thousand and sixe hundred furlongs, interprets them to bee meant of Hell, and that that number expresses the diameter of its concavity, which is 200 Italian miles; but Lessius thinkes[2] that this opinion gives them too much roome in hell, and therefore hee guesses that 'tis not so wide; for (saith hee) the diameter of one league being cubically multiplied, will make a spheare capable of 800000 millions of damned bodies, following to each sixe foote in the square, whereas (saies hee) 'tis certaine that there shall not be one hundred thousand millions in all that shall bee damned. You see the bold Iesuit was carefull that every one should have but roome enough in hell, and by the strangenesse of the conjecture you may guesse that he had

  1. Rev. 14. 20.
  2. De Morib. div. l. 13.