therefore in another place hee cals it a terrestraill starre[1], and an Olympian or celestiall earth answerable, as I conceive, to the paradise of the Schoolemen, and that Paradise was either in or neere the Moone, is the opinion of some later Writers, who derived it (in all likelihood) from the assertion of Plato, and perhaps, this of Plutarch. Tostatus laies this opinion upon Isioder Hispalensis.[2] , and the venerable Bede; and Pererius fathers is upon Strabus and Rabanus his Master. Some would have it to bee situated in such a place as could not be discovered, which causes the penman of Esdras to make it a harder matter to know the outgoings of Paradise, then to weigh the weight of the fire, or measure the blasts of wind, or call againe a day that is past[3]. But notwithstanding this, there bee some others who thinke that it is on the top of some high mountaine un-
- ↑ Cursilent oracula.
- ↑ S.W Raw. lib. 1. cap 3. § 7. in Gin.
- ↑ 2. Esd. 4.7