by the flood, since there were no sinners there which might draw the curse upon it. Nay Tostatus thinkes that the body of Enoch was kept there and some of the Fathers, as Tertullian and Austin have affirmed, that the blessed soules were reserved in that place till the day of judgement, and therefore 'tis likely that it was not overflowed by the floods; and besides, since all men should have went naked if Adam had not fell, 'tis requisite therefore that it should be situated in some such place where it might bee priviledged from the extremities of heat and cold. But now this could not bee (they thought) so conveniently in any lower, as might in some higher aire. For these and such like considerations have so many affirmed that Paradise was in a high elevated place, which some have conceived could bee no where but in the Moone: For