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Kingdoms (as he calls them,) viz. Mineral, Vegetable, Animal; which Three, he did excel in the right underſtanding of; alſo, becauſe he attained to, and tranſmitted to Poſterity (although in an Ænigmatical, and obſcure ſtile) the Knowledg of the Quinteſſence of the whole Univerſe (which Univerſe, as I ſaid before, he divided into Three Parts) otherwiſe called, The great Elixir of the Philoſophers; which is the Receptacle of all Celeſtial and Terreſtial Vertues; which Secret, many ignorantly deny, many have chargeably ſought after, yet few, but ſome, yea, and Engliſhmen[1], have happily found.
- ↑ Ripley, Bacon, Norton, &c.