Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/175

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God's gifts are all bestowed on certain conditions; and we cannot receive them without complying with the conditions. You desire an increase of bodily strength: Well, exercise your limbs regularly and within the bounds of moderation, and an increase of strength will be given you. Or you desire a field of corn; but it will not be given unless you prepare the soil, and plant the corn, and weed and tend it according to the requirements of its nature? And if you desire that the corn be converted into bread, you know the Lord will not do this without your intelligent co-operation. You must do your part of the work. You must gather and thresh and grind the corn, and make the meal into bread.

Precisely so is it in regard to God's higher or spiritual gifts. The graces of heaven are never bestowed except on certain conditions. And one of these conditions is, that we recognize them as all belonging to and coming from the Lord, and humbly and earnestly ask for them. They can be given only to those who sincerely desire them; for no others are in a state to receive them. Therefore it is written: "Ask, and it shall be given you."

Sincere and earnest prayer, then, for patience, forbearance, self-denial, uprightness, courage, resignation, contentment, trust, fidelity to duty—for all the heavenly graces which the Lord is ever