Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/246

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The Doctrines of the New Church.

and perfection of the angelic form, in order that they may receive angelic life in its fullness, or have their human faculties unfolded, strengthened and perfected in the highest degree. For in the normal condition of all living objects, the form must correspond to the essence; and the perfection and fullness of angelic life could no more be given to the immature form of a little infant, than the savory qualities of the peach full-grown and ripe, could be imparted to the germ of that fruit as soon as the blossom has fallen.

Little children, immediately after death, "are conveyed to heaven and delivered to the care of angels of the female sex, who in the life of the body loved children tenderly, and at the same time loved God. These angels receive them as their own; and the little ones, from an implanted affection, love them as their own mothers;" so that they never feel forlorn or homesick. All their wants are abundantly supplied. They are tenderly cared for, and so wisely governed that their hereditary evils are never aroused into activity. They witness no exhibitions of turbulent passion; they hear no profane or angry words; they look upon no wicked deeds. They are enveloped in an atmosphere of the tenderest and sweetest love. Love breathes in every tone they hear; love beams in every face they see; love moulds the forms, and prompts the words, and